The Scots Magazine
Adventure Is On Your Doorstep
The Scots Magazine contains articles of Scottish interest and claims to be the oldest magazine in the world still in publication.

DC Thomson Media approached Wire to develop the concept for the magazine's Summer 2020 promotional campaign. This included developing a toolkit for the visual identity, copywriting and advertising strategy.

The campaign had to communicate what the magazine is and what it stands for to a wider audience, recruiting new readers to reverse a slow but steady downward shift in sales. Due to low awareness, there is a need to highlight The Scots Magazine’s purpose and content.
Visual Identity
The design research focused on the magazine's extensive travel and culture content, while referencing travel ephemera and tourism campaigns.

The design systems of travel documents such as tickets, postcards and stamps as well as the condensed fonts and solid colour blocks, often used within these systems inspired the visual language of the campaign.​​​​​​​

Centered around national 'staycations' during a year of lockdown and limited travel, 'Adventure Is On Your Doorstep' was established as the tagline for the copy-driven campaign. The eventual solution for the visual identity was to develop a modular lockup, joining The Scots Magazine's masthead and tagline, enabling it to work in a variety of formats and layouts.
Social & Digital
Printed Elements
Identity Toolkit
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