Money Advice Scotland
Glasgow Nights Album Launch
Money Advice Scotland approached Wire in early 2018 for help to design a record sleeve and marketing materials for their upcoming charity album titled 'Glasgow Nights', an album consisting of 14 tracks donated by artists from or associated with Glasgow.
Visual Identity
With the album name already in place, we developed an identity with the word marque at its core.

The marque is set in a bold, condensed font with a contrasting 'O'. The O is utilised as a device throughout the identity. The front cover features 14 rings representing each of the artists, while also forming the grooves of a vinyl record. It features again on the back, alongside icons representing the phases of the moon, attributed to each song on the tracklist.

Money Advice Scotland's core colours were maintained throughout the identity on every touchpoint, including duotone photography, typographic messaging and animations for social media and online.
Social & Digital
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